Capp Innovations

CAPP stands synonymous to the word “innovation” in the Pipette Industry. Every decade has seen CAPP contributing towards the expedition of innovation in the Laboratory world by offering products with advanced designs to increace efficiency at Laboratory workflow.
The 1980s saw the first Fully Autoclavable pipette from CAPP.
The 1990s saw the CAPPAero line emerging as the most innovative line of mechanical pipettes with unique features like the detachable counter mechanism, allowing users to transform their pipettes from variable to fixed pipette by just getting the volume knob replaced.
The 2000s saw CAPP spear heading the pipette market as the Only Pipette manufacturing company that offers 48 & 64 multichannel mechanical pipettes. These are used to transfer liquids from reservoir and 384 deep-well plates into 384 well test plates, offering apparent advantages in PCR, qPCR and microarray techniques.
Also CAPP has designed a special pipette for every need. The CAPP Microbiology Pipette is specifically designed for microbiology tests in the food industry but is suitable for other applications. CAPPTrio consists of a set of 3 fixed volume knobs and 1 pipette, which are ideal for precise routine work.
The early 2010s was dedicated towards extensive research and development of New breakthrough products for the decade and year 2013 marks the launch of a NEW pipette series ‘CAPPBravo’, NEW pipette controller ‘CAPPTempo’ and CAPPMaestro; the revolution in Electronic pipette domain along with a complementary product line, the CAPPRondo Benchtop Instruments.